"There is often a big gap in food education when it comes to individuals with neurodiverse health needs, including those experiencing autism, OCD (a subset of autism), as well as unstable moods and learning challenges that often originate from a brain and/or gut that is burdened by inflammatory toxins. Many young adults have spoken to me about how they did not learn how to cook or prepare food because either lessons weren't available to them, or they had not learned because they were perceived as incapable of preparing meals. How unfortunate, because meal-making offers to be an enjoyable, confidence-building activity! If one’s kitchen is set up in an organized manner, it offers to be an inviting, calming space, where creativity can flourish and health can be radically improved."
-Candia Lea
(Wheat -Free, Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free, Low Inflammation)
In this recipe bundle, I offer you 200 recipes that you can easily access in the following categories and print out. Many are colorful graphics from my Tabletop TUTORS Infographics collection, and you can post them on the door of your refrigerator so that your recipe faves are never out of sight or mind.
Bowls & Salads
Chick Nuggets, Wraps, Fritters & Sloppy Joe’s
Dessert Puddings, Pies, and Frosty Creams
No-Bake Energy Bars & Confections
No-Dairy Nut Milks & Smoothies (Video links to)
Savory and Sweet Snacks
Soups, Stews, & Savory Muffins
Veggie Dips, Seed Cheeses, and WF Crackers
WF Breads, Sandwiches, Pizzas, and Pasta
WF Breakfast Cereals, Muffins, and Pancakes
The following categories of graphics offer to support you in sharing ideas with your family about how to set up an eco-friendly kitchen...cook with healthy pans and the diet that may be right for your child, eliminate toxins from your child’s diet...and essentially get a crash course on the health benefits of whole foods.
* Eco-Friendly Kitchen: Create a peaceful and decluttered, kitchen. Learn how to replace non-toxic cookware with healthy, eco-conscious cookware. Empower yourself in your kitchen; adopt an archetype to support your efforts. Create therapeutic color meals.
* Whole Foods Nutrition: Meet the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model. Learn about the wide variety of both plant and animal foods (mentioned in the eating model) that it promotes. Discover how fruits, vegetables, pseudo-grains, nuts, seeds, unrefined oils, and organically raised animal foods, can enhance your child's health.
* Custom Diets: Explore GAP’s diet, as well as the Paleo diet and the Vegetarian diet. Discover the value of eating in balance with the seasons. Learn about the physical and mental reasons behind picky eating.
* Food Elimination Diets: Learn why to reduce and/or phase out foods from your child's diet such as processed sugar, genetically engineered dairy products, processed vegetable oils, processed soy products, wheat (think glyphosate), and gluten-containing products.
*Eliminate Toxic Food Additives: Learn about the health problems that MSG, fake sweeteners, fake fats, and fake colors create within the human ecology system.
* Explore Anti-Nutrients: Learn about plant and animal-based compounds such as lectins, salicylates, phenols, opioids, oxalates, and glutamates, which some children are sensitive to, and would be better off reducing or removing from their diet.