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"Ready to Introduce Your Group to the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model"? 
(Coming Soon)

My concerns about the health of people and the planet, combined with my own experience in the realm of environmental illness, gives me a unique understanding about what we must do as individuals, and as a culture, to heal ourselves and our planet. That's why I’m eager to share with your group, a presentation, titled "Eat the Eco-Intelligent Way- Become an Eco-Intelligent Eating Advocate!"

In this presentation, you'll learn about The Eco-Intelligent Eating Model™, the first model of its kind to promote a message about the importance of farming green and eating clean. This is a model, that places a clear emphasis on the importance of nourishing the health of people and the planet. The USDA Eating Model, you will discover, is not in step with our ecological needs in the 21st century, because it promotes our consumption of foods whose production is harmful to the health of people, the earth, and all living things.     


Click on the video links below to hear a college student sharing praise for the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model.

Who Is This Presentation For? 

Industry Leaders/ Healthy Conscious Workplace Cultures


Consumer interest in sustainable farming and food sourcing is growing. In fact, it's leading the shift towards clean, organic foods  not only at local food coops and markets that sell whole foods, but mainstream grocers. As food and lifestyle companies launch new health and environmental initiatives, my Eco-Intelligent Eating Model webinar serves to support cultural change within the company through employee education. Educated employees are healthier, and they gain awareness which supports marketing efforts, guides smart consumer choices, and promotes brand loyalty.  

Health Care Practitioners & Their Patients


Chiropractors and natural healing practitioners, I recognize, are leading the way for people from all walks of life, to create healthier, "eco conscious" lifestyles. They understand the critical role that food plays in their own health care, as well as patient care. I work with natural health care providers to share my knowledge with them, and I also help their patients to understand the destructive impact that un-whole, toxic foods have on their human ecology system, and teach them about foods that have the power to detoxify and heal their bodies.

Educators & Students


Over the years, I have helped schools (and home school students) to learn about eco-conscious nutrition education.  I've spoken in classrooms, educating teachers and students.  I have also made my ed. materials available to lunchroom personnel, who are seeking ways to make the most healthful ingredient choices for the young people they serve.

Nutrition Educators & Cooking Instructors


Nutritionists and chefs who are on the cutting edge, know that good nutrition is no longer a matter of eating the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. It's a matter of helping people to understand where food comes from, how it is produced, what effect its production has on the environment, farm workers, and the health of their bodies, mind, and spirits. 

Spiritual Groups & Congregations


Many churches and spiritual communities recognize the need we have, to care for all of Creation. People of faith recognize that our increasingly warm climate is creating extreme weather, arid lands, water shortages, and displaced communities. The time has come for our all faith- based communities to join together and learn how organic farming and health eating practices can help us to make a difference. 

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