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Stoke Your Passion for Eco-Nutritional Living and Mentoring!   




•    Diary of a Mad Slaughterhouse 

•    Dining on Nuclear Isotopes 

•    Philosophers, Leaders, and Everyday Citizens on Nonviolence 

•    Godzilla the Fast-Food Giant 

•    The Grocery Game 

•    Are You Eating Foods that Excite Your Brain Cells to Death? 

•    Snack Attack! 

•    My Feel-Good Food Diary 

•    Are the Fruits and Vegetables You Eat Eco-Friendly

•    Are the Carbohydrates You Eat Eco-Friendly? 

•    Are the Fats, Oils, and Sweets You Eat Eco-Friendly? 

•    Are the Dairy Products You Eat Eco-Friendly? 

•    Are the Proteins You Eat Eco-Friendly? 

•    Wellness on My Plate 

•    The Missing Link: Hunting for Rare and Precious Vitamins and Minerals 

•    Super-Food Heroes for Modern Malnourishment 

•    Milk without the Moo: A Recipe that Honors the Cows and You! 

•    A Burger Without Beef Saves the World a Lot of Grief! 




•    Relationships: The Key to Health 

•    How Do You Heal an eating disorder? 

•    Using Food and Mealtimes to Elevate Your Energy and Consciousness – 

•    One Bite at a Time: Where Is the Cookie of Your Childhood? 

•    Eating with the Seasons: A Way to Stay Balanced 

•    Deep Retreat (In My Garden) 

•    Garden of Blessings: Nurturing the Seeds of Family and Friendship 

•    Nature’s Eye Candy: An Invitation to Shop and Tell 

•    Earth Banquet: A Celebration of Culture 

•    Savory Safari: A Journey for Tired Taste 

•    Pots ‘n Pans Down Under (Finding Symbolism in Your Culinary Tools and Cultivating Gratitude for  Them) 

•    Meals with Meaning: Learning to Cook with the Right and Left Sides of the Brain 

•    Rainbow Chef, Live! 

•    Connecting Your Taste Buds to the Cosmos 


Become aware of the sustenance that is needed by plants and animals to bring health-giving food from the farm to your dining table. Become an eco-conscious eater and meal maker.


Be inspired to create a more eco-nutritional mindset and lifestyle. 


Use your understanding  about eco-nutritional  living to encourage awareness in others whose health and well-being you care about.  




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