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Praise for the Book:


“It is obvious from the very first chapter of her book that Candia has a life’s passion for both the environment and conscious, responsible eating and nutrition. I wish this book was required reading for all young adults and teachers.  The material is well researched, accessible, and easy to digest, and her message is always very positive: “food matters, and how and where we get our food is important to us and to the health of the earth.” –Karla Maree, CNC (Certified Nutrition Consultant and Food Educator) 


In Candia’s nutrition book/curriculum, we learn the tremendous values of eating in harmony with the needs of our bodies and the earth, as well as the many challenges that confront us if we adhere to the standard American Diet. Nutrition is a common thread in our nation's conversation more now than ever, yet big businesses entrenched in old ideologies, profit, and politics are a major problem!  It's good to know that Candia is out there 'ringing the bell' that will highlight the values of farming and eating the eco-conscious way!  -Deb Tucker, Founder and CEO, What’s in Your Lunchbox 


Praise for the Course:       


 Candia Lea Cole’s Eco-Intelligent Eating Advocate Training Course includes a brilliant model for learning that could literally save the health of the next generation!” ---Beth Lambert, Executive Director, Epidemic Answers


“The path Candia is taking with her Eco-Intelligent Eating Model and curriculum is very important and I am sure it will find an appreciative audience. We are also working toward the integration of sustainability and nutrition within our curriculum.” -Dr. Walter Willet, M.D. Chairman of the Nutrition Dept. at Harvard School of Public Health and author of the book Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy:

Candia’s book and curriculum is brilliant. It introduces us to an integrated approach to eating, using natural, whole, delicious foods that help to protect our individual health as well as the health of the planet. As the founder of a business organization that is involved in developing functional foods, our goals are aimed at balancing healthy food choices with earth–friendly habits. Candia’s Eco-Intelligent Eating Model provides a magnificent framework for continuing our thirteen-year history into the future research of others products. Her model provides our organization with the framework to continue to provide alternatives that we probably would not have considered.  She provides a very rare insight into the dynamics of the current food growing and processing being done by major food industries, in conjunction with food regulators and
third-party interests. More importantly, she provides balanced guidance on how to improve the situation.”

-Bill Rezmerski, CEO, Human Energy Solutions  

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