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"Are You Ready to Eat Clean, Live Green, and Nourish Your Relationship with your Body and the Earth?"  

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Hello friend...


My name is Candia Lea Cole, and I'm known within the holistic health community as "The Eco-Conscious Cook" & "The Eco-Intelligent Lifestyle Mentor." I create educational tools that support individuals, families, and wellness educators in learning about about (and teaching others about) how to nourish wellness in their bodies and the earth. My educational tools (including books, courses, infographics, videos, and podcasts) represent the fertile outgrowth of my life-long experience with environmental illness, including the beautiful and empowering lessons about health and healing that have grown out of it.    


In today's world, a world that has become increasingly toxic due to our disconnection from nature's wisdom for living well, millions of people are now developing the symptoms of environmental illness. Conditions such as birth defects, reproductive health issues, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, digestive issues, asthma, autism, and cancer, are but a few examples of conditions that develop in the body as the result of carrying a toxic body burden. If you, or someone that you care about, is suffering with these kinds of health issues, you owe it to yourselves to explore the importance of consuming whole foods nutrition, utilizing natural earth-sourced medicine, and adopting a clean,green lifestyle!    







Tabletop TUTORS™ Info-graphics - A stunning collection of 250+ colorful, text-rich infographics that highlight the value and necessity of eating clean and creating a clean, green, non-toxic lifestyle that serves to nourish holistic health and wellness in your body and the earth! 20 category topics make learning easy, fun, and engaging for lay people and professionals alike! 

Farm Alarm Game — An eye-opening crossword puzzle activity that teaches the environmental health hazards related to producing (and eating) genetically engineered foods. A great "crash course" for teachers, parents, and home schooled youth!

Eco-Bites© Treasure Hunt Game —This fun, hands-on activity tests your family's knowledge about the impact that your everyday food choices have on the health of your body, the earth, and all living things.  

Farming & Eating the Eco-Intelligent Way — A 21st century nutrition curriculum that is grounded in an "eco-intelligent" approach to farming and eating. The book introduces the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model and "farm to table" holistic health philosophy. It makes a case for why we need to reassess The USDA Eating Model's dietary recommendations, which are aligned with corporate interests and biases. You'll learn about the legend and lore of traditional whole foods, along with their health benefits and culinary uses in recipes. This book is is featured in my online training, "Become an Eco-Intelligent Eating Advocate."  

3 Whole Foods Cookbooks/Video Cooking Classes- My cookbooks (featured as part of 3 video cooking classes on this site) feature delicious, nature inspired recipes that vegetarians and whole food lovers alike will enjoy preparing and eating! My nut milk beverages are gourmet, smooth-sipping taste sensations. My dairy-free smoothies offer a rainbow of health benefits that serve to detoxify and nourish your body. My gourmet grain dishes are mouthwatering four-season dishes that give you a reason to eat less meat. 

Eco-Enlightened Eating In this booklet, I interview myself about what inspired me to create each of my three cookbooks. The "self-inner-view" offers a delicious way to find out what I am thinking about why I cook, and how I relate to nature, my ingredients, my culinary tools, my body, and my role in the kitchen.  

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Nourishing Your Mental & Emotional Well-Being The Eco-Intelligent Way - Mother Nature has provided us with a pharmacy of whole foods that we can use to nourish our body/mind system as a whole, and alleviate symptoms that plague the larger culture on earth today, such as of mental fatigue, depression, anxiety, mood swings, ADHD, OCD, behavioral issues and memory issues. 

Parenting Our Special Needs Youth The Eco-Intelligent Way -In today's toxic, frenzied world, there's not a single child alive who doesn't have special needs.  Use my personal story and my parenting story to develop an understanding about why we need to practice eco-intelligent living and learning. This book is offered as part of my "Eco-Intelligent Autism Mentor Training Toolkit."

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Eco-Intelligent Remedies for Autism Spectrum that Think Outside the Box — A resource guide for parents and caregivers of young people who are on (or near) the autism spectrum. You'll learn about the spiritual disconnection that lies at the root of autism, as well as the physical stressors that cause gut and brain imbalances. The book features over 250 holistic health remedies that nourish the body, mind, heart, and soul, of those impacted by autism, as well as other related conditions. This book is offered as part of my Eco-Intelligent Autism Mentor Training Toolkit. You can also also purchase it ala carte.  

Nourish Your Eco-Intelligence...Become the Eco-Mentor You Were Born to Be! 


This leadership training, designed for young women (ages 17- 45+) as well as moms and grand-moms, is presented as an "Educational Meal" that introduces you to the six "ingredients" of eco-intelligent living and the "six steps" to eco-intelligent living. Ed. tools used in this training include My memoir ("Born to Live Green") + My Eco-Mentor Guide Book ("Nourish Your Eco-Intelligence- Become the Eco-Mentor You Were Born to Be!) + My six "Discovery & Empowerment" Activity /Journals. Delivered in digital format, and includes audio, videos, and illustrated PDFs.        

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Bringing Heart and Soul to Education- The abovementioned curriculum was highlighted in this book. 11 insightful writers (including myself!) share our beliefs about the need to bring heart and soul to education in the 21st century. This book is available at:

Let's do what we can, to manage and heal the symptoms of environmental illness in our bodies and the earth! The time is NOW, and we have the right kind of tools to make a difference!    

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