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Do you have the tools that you need, to learn about and teach nurition "the eco-intelligent way"? 


For decades, the USDA Eating Model has been America's "go-to" eating model. This eating model has served to tell us what food groups we should be eating and how much of them we should be eating each day, to meet our bodies requirements for proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. However, what it has failed to tell us is HOW the food is produced that it advises us to eat. Because there is no mention on this eating model about the importance of eating organically raised foods (vs. industrially raised foods), people are not learning about the health threats that pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, GMO’s, and food additives cause.   


In this course, you will get the inside story about this problem, and be encouraged to adopt healthy, eco-sustainable food choices that protect and nourish your health and sustain the Earth’s health.  


Here's what you will get in this course:  


Eco-Intelligent Eating Model™ Info-graphic illustrates for you: 1) what organic farming is and how it protects biodiversity, 2) the earth’s first foods, 3) why and how to recycle food waste and reduce food packaging, and 4) how to save energy in the cooking process, and eat in harmony with the seasons.  


4 Eco-Intelligent Eating Model™ Farm to Table Info-Graphics illustrate for you: 1) an "eco-negligent" approach to farming and eating 2) how it ‘starves’ the eco-relationships which govern your personal and planetary well-being and 3) an "eco-intelligent" approach to farming and eating, 4) how it ‘nourishes’ the eco-relationships which govern your personal and planetary well-being.


Tabletop TUTORS™ Info-graphics illustrate for you, how you can support the earth’s health through practices such as seed saving, organic gardening and farming, composting, permaculture, and bee preservation. Quizzes are also included with the graphics, which offer to assist you and learners in personalizing what you learn on the graphics.      


13 segment podcast features: Learn about the history of both the USDA Eating Model and the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model ™ including their impact on the environment. 2) Learn why my eating model caters to both plant and animal food eaters. 3) Discover the history, culinary uses, and health benefits that traditional whole foods offer, 3) Learn about “who” supports the sustainable eating model, and consider how you might use it for teaching purposes in your home or community.


Tabletop TUTORS™ Info-graphics (which double as dining table placemats) offer a fun way to learn about, and teach others about, ALL of the foods that are featured in the Eco-Intelligent Eating Model ™ including grains, legumes, sprouts, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, herbs, spices, and healthy salt, green super foods, organic meats and dairy products, fish and sea vegetables, non-dairy milks and seed/nut cheeses, wholesome sweeteners, and pure drinking water. Bonus graphics are included. These address health issues related to eating unhealthy fats, sweeteners, and factory farmed meats and dairy products.


"Top 10 Grocery Shopping Hacks" This report offers you my tips for making organic food affordable. Includes Organic Fact Sheets 




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