IT'S WORLD FOOD DAY! Why Should You Care?
Our Food Future is Truly At Stake!
Last night my husband and I watched a beautiful film. Maybe you've heard about it. It's titled "The Need to GROW." The Food Revolution Network (headed up by John and Ocean Robbins) was an integral part of its production, and I admire their mission as much as I do my own mission!
The film explores the reality about what it means when we lose our nations topsoil, --- the stuff that is needed to grow our nation's food supply! It is predicted, you may or may not be aware, that we have only 60 years left, before our topsoil is too depleted to grow food on planet earth! (Can you imagine a future in which all food is produced in a laboratory, versus a natural life-giving setting?)
The solution to this problem, the film teaches us, is in our hands RIGHT NOW.
* It's important for us to use organic farming methods in order to protect all of the living things that are part of a food's production cycle.
* It's essential for us to sequester carbon in the soil, which will help to curb climate change.
* It's also essential to nourish and replenish our nation's depleted, polluted soils.
If you're thinking to yourself, "I'm not a farmer, how can I possibly make a difference?" you're going to want to watch this film! You'll have the opportunity to meet a handful of amazing people who are doing the most awe inspiring things, to bring about change in their homes, their communities, and the world!
What You'll Learn in the Film Will Motivate You!
You'll learn about the life goals of young 7 year old Alicia, whose mother Monica inspired her to learn about the importance of saving seeds, replenishing the soil, and growing food organically. You'll be inspired by the movement they led to get GMO's out of our nation's Girl Scout cookies! (It took a few years to accomplish this feat, but they never gave up, and they used the right approach!)
You'll also learn about farmer and biologist Erik, and brilliant inventor Michael.
Both of these men are teaching older and younger people alike, that, if we continue with the status quo (by being consumers of a toxic conventional farming system to produce our food) we will ALL suffer the dire consequences of depleted soil and a destabilized climate. And our grandchildren will likely inherit a world very different from what we’d want for them!
What Erik and Michael and have created in terms of new and sustainable growing systems (and soil nutriments) will give you hope, and make you realize why it's important, --in terms of creating change and solutions, to mobilize the masses!There will always be people who, motivated by greed, will attempt to derail new inventions that cut into their profits. But we have to stand up to them, if only with our pocketbooks and our backyard gardens!
Take Action, Do Your Part!
If you're like a lot of people I know, you care deeply about our world and our future. You don't want to leave a legacy of eco-destruction for our kids and grandkids. But maybe you feel that you don't have a lot of time to help "save the planet." Well, I've got plenty of good news for you, today!
The makers of the film "The Need to GROW" created an "Impact Kit" to help you make a difference. It features videos and other learning tools that you can easily share with family and friends. The kit which normally costs $197, is marked down TODAY, to just $67 dollars!
You can learn about and purchase their kit here:
Ready to Add "Eco Intelligent Eating Advocate & Mentor" to Your Resume?
Do you have the desire to become a certified Eco-Intelligent Eating Advocate? I, myself, have created two eye-opening and fun trainings for wellness educators, home school educators, and everyday people who have a hunger for learning about green farming and clean eating, and who want to move above and beyond the dark ages of nutrition education!In honor of World Food Day, I will be offering a free 30-40 minute culinary health consultation to anyone who purchases either one of these courses from my website store today!
You can learn about the two trainings here:
LEARN & TEACH NUTRITION USING THE ECO-INTELLIGENT EATING MODEL: Watch video here: Purchase for $100 from my store, here:
BECOME A CERTIFIED ECO INTELLIGENT EATING ADVOCATE & MENTOR: Watch Video here: for $350 from my store here:
Thank you for sharing this email with your friends and family! When you plant seeds, you have the opportunity to grow life and influence positive change, far and wide!
Candia Lea Cole
Founder, Eco-Learning Legacies